Children are inventive and can say, or write, the funniest of things.
That’s one of the reasons why we love them so much.
Give them a question and, as sure as night follows day, they’ll come up with an answer.
Whether it’s the correct one, however, THAT’s sometimes the problem.
So if your child’s got to ready themselves to work on open format maths papers (rather than those multiple-guess ones) it’s important they know what to write, and also what not to write.
Here are a few examples of what NOT to do.
Does your child make similar ‘slips’?
If your child’s on their own 11+ journey and you’d like them to receive some solid, practical and fun 11+ prep, I’ve usually got a couple of spaces open for 1-to-1 tutoring.
If you’d like to find out more, click here, let me know a little more about their age and which schools you’re targeting for them and we can discuss some good plans to get them into those schools.