Online tutoring
Many pupils (and their parents) have found that online tutoring is preferable to the traditional method of face-to-face tutoring since it offers many benefits.
Health & Safety – Coronavirus
Even before the Covid-19 Coronavirus situation arose, clients were finding that being able to have their children tutored without worrying about whether a tutor might inadvertently bring bugs into their household was a godsend.
Many pupils have younger siblings, or older relatives who visit and protecting them from such accidental exposure is easily addressed by online tutoring.
All locations covered
By providing online tuition we can support your studies wherever you are located.
This means that if you’ve been searching through google with such terms as “11+ maths tutor in Birmingham,” “NVR tutor in Manchester”, or “English tutor local to me”, we can help.
As online tutors, we’ll be right by your side when you need us, local at a distance as such.
All formats supported
Depending upon which schools you’re considering for your child, they might need to sit the following test formats:
- Paper-based multiple-choice
- Paper-based open answer
- Online
In addition to the above, they might also be required to produce a piece of creative writing, too.
We can support your child across the full range of their entrance test requirements, including working with them on the online component of their tests.
An early start is always good
Different schools set different test formats. This is why it’s important to confirm what tests your child will be required to take. If you’re unsure about this, contact us, and we can check our database and confirm the full details.
Spaces at grammar schools and independent schools are highly coveted and your child will therefore be competing with many other children for a place at your target school.
Mindful of this we recommend that some initial eleven-plus related preparation should commence during year 3.
This means your child will, slowly and without pressure, become accustomed to the style and format of the eleven plus.
Following this, when they go up into year 4, and then year 5, we can continue to develop and deepen their skills, so they’re ready for their entrance tests early in year 6.
Depending upon the specific schools you’re considering we might recommend starting in year 4, so please get in touch if you’d like us to review your target schools and provide some guidance on an appropriate timetable for your child’s preparation.
Convenient appointment times
By eliminating travel time, tutoring sessions in any location can be arranged more closely together and neither you and your child nor your tutor will be arriving at your home stressed (or delayed) due to traffic.
Appointments can fit around family mealtimes too, either just before or immediately after, without affecting the rest of the household.
During half-terms, leave-outs or exeats we’re also usually able to swap session times around, so sessions that would usually be ‘after school’ could be held during the daytime instead.
Can continue whilst on holiday
We’ve worked with families for whom worldwide travel was necessary – and who also wanted their child’s studies to continue.
No problem, since by using standard software we simply continue our tutoring sessions, adjusted for time zones, and their studies move forwards seamlessly.
We’ve supported our students whilst they have been travelling to various destinations across the world – all that’s required is Zoom, Skype or Facetime and an internet connection.
Simple software requirements
We’ll outline what’s necessary during our initial conversation and can explain how to set this up if required – we don’t need to visit you to do this.
What’s interesting is that many parents find they already have the necessary software and equipment in their homes.
Then, once installed (if required) it’s simply a case of agreeing on dates and times for tutoring appointments and ‘going live’ on those times.
Regular reviews
We monitor and feedback on how pupils are progressing, so they can understand how much they’ve improved over the previous weeks.
We can identify how they’re progressing and where that fits into possible grade boundaries for Foundation or Higher papers.
Contact us
If you would like a free and without obligation discussion as regards your concerns about your child’s studies please complete our enquiry form and we’ll call you back.