Tutoring for school entrance exams

7 plus 11 plus Tutoring can provide tutoring to support your child’s studies in specific core subject areas that are essential for their schooling and education.

Whether you’re seeking ongoing tutoring for one or many subjects, specific and focused tuition for an impending exam, or tuition to prepare for longer-term results, we can help.

My wife and I are both experienced in particular subjects and work together to ensure that our pupils receive the best support possible.

We’ve helped pupils, each starting from different ability levels, to improve their knowledge and understanding of their subjects – and more importantly perhaps, their confidence in their ability.

Entrance exam test preparation

Focused entrance exam preparation will also help them to improve their grades and become more comfortable with their studies.

We help students who are great to become even better and support those who feel they lack the understanding to overcome those blocks.

The learning they benefit from when undergoing entrance exam preparation will pay off with a greater understanding of key subjects in their next school.

We’re here to help your child achieve more and understand more about their key school subjects.

All core exam components covered

We’re a husband and wife team with considerable experience across a specific range of subjects. We stick to what we know so we can provide your child with the best possible support.

This means we can provide online tutoring for your child in our core subject areas.

Subjects tutored include:

  • Maths
  • English
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Comprehension
  • Non-verbal reasoning
  • Vocabulary
  • Creative writing
  • Science
  • Exam revision & preparation techniques

The following articles may help you to understand more about the state and independent school entrance test system.

Initial tuition assessment

Because every child is different, as are the reasons parents might be considering working with a tutor, we find it best to begin by taking an assessment of their starting position.

Once we’ve spoken with you we can determine the best way to achieve this, and because we don’t have to meet up for this particular step it’s perfectly suited for online tutoring.

Two-stage 11+ entrance tests

Some schools have a two-round test procedure. Your child will need to score exceedingly well in round one to be in with a chance of testing for round two, let alone achieving a passing score.

With correct preparation, we can help your child to secure a place at the school you desire for them.

This is why it’s important your child is fully readied and therefore able to ace their entrance tests.

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Feedback of results

Once your child has completed and returned the assessment we would mark and review it and discuss the results with you.

We’re not looking for a ‘pass mark’ as such, just to assess where they are in their learning progress compared to where we feel they could be, based on their age and previous study experience.

If appropriate we can then suggest a plan to support their studies of the subsequent months, the exact shape of which would be something to agree on at the time.

Additional information in our blog

We regularly blog on issues related to education, teaching, learning and study techniques and would suggest that the posts we’ve noted below may be useful if you are considering selecting a tutor for your children.

Naturally, you’re at liberty to look through the other posts in our blog too – in fact, we’d love you to stick around for a while!

Relevant blog articles

Here are some posts that we believe you may find useful.

Have you ever wondered why so many parents get a tutor for their children?

9 reasons why (all) parents need a tutor for their child

13 Ways a Private Tutor in Peterborough Helps Your Child’s Studies

Is it unfair to other parents and their children if I get my child a tutor?

Subscribe to benefit from our blog

We like to think that our blog carries useful tips and information for the parents we work with – so we’d like to extend this offer for you to subscribe. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you’re viewing this page on a desktop there’s a link to the top right of this page and on a tablet or a smartphone, it should appear at the bottom of the page.

Request a callback today

We’d love to speak with you and hear about what you might want us to help your children with to do this simply click on this link or press the button below and you’ll be directed to our private contact form.

We read and respond to each enquiry personally and either myself, Charles, or my wife, Shoshana, will contact you to discuss your family’s requirements.

I hope this has been helpful and look forward to hearing from you.