Dan Everest, Head of Computing and Digital Innovation at private school King’s Ely Junior School, has been awarded a ‘Digital Leaders Star Teacher Award’ by Childnet International.
Childnet International is an organisation which works in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a safer place for children.
The King’s Ely teacher was presented with the award at the Childnet Digital Leaders East of England Regional Event, which was hosted by King’s Ely.
‘Piranha Pitch’
The main activity for the day was ‘Piranha Pitch’ – a Dragon’s Den style workshop where Digital Leaders worked in groups with pupils from other schools from across the East of England to plan a digital safety activity targeted at parents.
Danielle Antha, Project Manager at Childnet International, said:
“The Digital Leaders Star Teacher Award is not something we have ever done before, but we thought Mr Everest warranted it!
He has shown continued enthusiasm and engagement in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme since King’s Ely’s first year of subscription and his passion for the subject is evident.
“Mr Everest shows true care and pride for his students, and often tells us about the fantastic and creative activities they are running to help both young people and parents.
We at Childnet wanted to show our appreciation for all he is doing in this area – he’s a great example of some of the fantastic teachers we have running the programme in their respective schools.”
Wide range of year groups within King’s Ely
King’s Ely is a very well respected private school with an intake ranging from 1 through to 18.
It comprises three schools and many pupils stay within King’s Ely for the whole of their pre-university education.
- King’s Ely Acremont & Nursery
- King’s Ely Junior
- King’s Ely Senior
King’s Ely is situated just 15 minutes north of Cambridge and just over an hour from London by train.
It has very good pastoral care for it’s boarders and for day pupils it can be easily accessed via Ely train station.
The school also provides school buses for day pupils to reduce car travel and emissions by stopping at key points in Cambridgeshire.